Class: Model

Defined in: src/


A representation of the metadata for an InterMine. This class allows the user to inspect what kinds of data a mine is configured with, allowing us to verify existing queries, as well as constructing queries automatically by walking the data-model.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

- (void) constructor()


@param options The data used to construct this model.

Options Hash: (options):

  • name (String) The name of this model.
  • classes (Object<String, Object>) A description of the classes.

Instance Method Details

- (PathInfo) getPathInfo(path, subcls) (bound)

Construct a PathInfo object representing the given path, given the specified subclass constraints.


  • path (#toString) The path to represent.
  • subcls (Object<String, String>) The subclass constraints. (optional)


  • (PathInfo) — A representation of the path.

- (Array<String>) getSubclassesOf(cls) (bound)

Get a list that contains all the names of the subclasses of this class, as well as itself. For an inheritance pattern such as:

   A        B   C
   |         \ /
   D   E  F   G
    \ /    \ / \
     |      |   \
     H      I    J
       \  /  \   |
        K     L  M

The subclasses of B will be [B, G, I, K, L, J, M] or [B, G, J, M, I, K, L], depending on the order in which the classes are iterated over.


  • cls (String|Table) The class to get subclasses of.


  • (Array<String>) — The names of this class and all its subclasses.

- (Array<String>) getAncestorsOf(cls) (bound)

Get the list of classes that the given class descends from. The list does not include the class itself. For an inheritance pattern such as:

   A        B   C
   |         \ /
   D   E  F   G
    \ /    \ / \
     |      |   \
     H      I    J
       \  /  \   |
        K     L  M

The list of ancestors of K will be [H, I, D, E, A, F, G, B, C]


  • cls (String|Table) The class whose ancestry is to be retrieved.


  • (Array<String>) — A list of names of classes this class inherits from.

- (String) findSharedAncestor(classA, classB) (bound)

Get the closest shared ancestor of these two classes. For an inheritance pattern such as:

   A        B   C
   |         \ /
   D   E  F   G
    \ /    \ / \
     |      |   \
     H      I    J
       \  /  \   |
        K     L  M

The closest shared ancestor of K and M is G, while the closest shared ancestor of K and L is I. The closest shared ancestor of H and I is null.


  • classA (String|Table) The first class
  • classB (String|Table) The second class


  • (String) — The name of the closest shared ancestor

- (String) findCommonType(xs = []) (bound)

Find the common type of a list of classes or class names, or null if there is no one common type.


  • xs (Array<String|Table>) the classes.


  • (String) — The name of the common superclass, or null.